Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween, everybody! I had a pretty excellent sketch adventure day, and I hope you did too. Pictured below is a wandering pack of wild Sawyer-sauruses in their natural environment--scavenging for candy.

Also, incidentally we live half a block away from an auto glass shop. When I rode my bike home from school today, what happened to enter my field of vision but this beautiful creature. However, by the time I dropped my stuff off at home and came back to sketch it--travesty of travesties--it was gone. Luckily, it had only been moved into the garage. I talked the owners into letting me into the garage to sketch it. We talked about guy stuff (that I have no idea about) like cool cars--this is a 1963 Thunderbird. They don't make 'em like this no more though, I can tell you that much.

In other news: baby oil.


Jenna said...

i like this. we are going to start "energy" in science soon and i will show this to my class. also, can we see some real pictures of the baby in a costume? pretty please.

Jeremy Thompson said...

i've always been an advocate against baby oil as well... this comic will make me research it more though. in a slightly similar note, in one of our cookbooks, in the index, right next to chicken and chili, there is a children section...

Laura said...

Those Sawyer-saurus sketches remind me of Miyazaki stuff.

Maybe your language is subconsciously influencing your drawing?

Whatever the reason: looks awesome.

Unknown said...


Aaron Ludwig said...

Good work raising awareness about those poor little babies. Now if we could only help the canolas...

The Illustrious and Illustrative Sketch Adventure Lifestyle of Anthony Holden. Cartoons, Sketches, Character Designs, Storyboards, Comics, Illustration, Animation, Silly thoughts, Intermittent Posting, and Arbitrary Capitalization by American animation artist, Anthony Holden. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
All content on this page copyright 2007-2011 Anthony L. Holden. Do not use without permission, except for purposes of review.